This will take approximately 3.5 minutes to read…scroll to the summary if you don’t have time!)
I still see the stain of my flip-flops on my feet from wearing them wet over the dusty streets of Costa Rica. My hair has yet to be washed of its salt from the ocean, the curls still wild. For those that ever wondered where my daughter gets her crazy hair from, just see me in humidity.
I LOVED the simplicity of my life there the last week: shower outside with the bugs and iguanas, put on a bikini and flip flops, no makeup – just SPF45. Buy coconut water from a lady for 500 Colones ($1). She slices the top by machete and I drink the fresh nectar straight from the belly of the coconut (nature’s electrolytes for my surf session). Say, “Buenos Dias” to my 21-year-old Tico surf instructor, Steven, and begin to wax my board. Walk out to the beach with my surf bestie, Maddy and our instructor. Stretch as we observe the waves. Beautiful, consistent, clean, soft, 3-4 feet of green perfection for my level. Paddle strong out to the break, over the incoming sets. Paddle, paddle, paddle, paddle, pushing through then…silence. Sweet, sweet peace as you straddle the board and rest while you wait for your wave.
That was my day, for five glorious days. Add in yoga sessions with top-notch instructors, fresh juices, walks on the beach, stunning sunsets, insane food and good company and that is a day in the life in Costa Rica. I am still not sure if I want to share the name of this spot. It feels precious and secret to me. For those of you that already know….shush
It really is my happy place, a place filled with magic. Do you have those places or moments where your soul is just totally open and feels 100% in alignment? That is there…
Now I am here…back in Colorado…back to the Mountains, which have a special power in themselves, like the Ocean.
I feel rejuvenated in a way I haven’t felt ever. In fact, I feel as though Mother Nature absorbed all my sh** filled me with more light, love and oxygen as never before. I feel reborn. Literally, on the last day the Ocean taught me an important lesson and gave me my first breath in this new life, new outlook, new love….
My last paddle out didn’t go as good as the previous days. I was almost to that beautiful place outside the break when a huge wave came rolling in in the distance…could I make it over or should I bail and let it crash over me? I am so close to the break, I should just push forward to make it over like I have so many times before. But as I hit the very top of the wave, it crests…from green to white slamming me down to the ocean floor. I am in the washing machine as they say…round and round you go. Just as I think I am about to run out of air, I try to swim up but the wave holds me down. I….need….air….I am not going to make it…then…finally….oxygen. I took the biggest breath of my life and saw another huge wave. I knew it would take me down just as the last and I said to myself, “I can’t do this…” but the ocean had it’s own plan. Again, I thought I would not make it out. I panicked. After that breath, I hopped on my board and road a wave back to shore. Then I lay on the beach for maybe an hour…my whole body buzzing. It took every last ounce of energy out of me.
The Ocean is a great teacher. Like Life, you can’t control it but you can ride with it. It requires a certain Oneness with creation to surf. The ability to just be, to listen, to watch with presence and relaxed awareness. Then using your inner strength to meet her as she rises up towards you. She rewards you with your own waves of ecstasy to match hers as she takes you down the line.
But the day she held me down was the biggest teacher of them all. All I wanted in that moment was breath. I went into the session with a lot of non-sense on the mind but really the only thing of importance is our breath and the rest will follow. Learning how to observe the mind and all its craziness and just breathe. It was time – in that very moment, to leave all the beautiful challenges of the last almost three years there with Her, Mother Earth. Where my expansive journey started was where it would die too. That breath I finally got to breathe was a new breath. I felt alive, invigorated. Many of you don’t know my journey over these last few years, some have a vague idea (I will share in pieces. I feel as though it is important for others going through a similar struggle).
And the journey continues but as a new journey…I have hit the ocean floor and the only way now is up…until another wave comes of course 😉 But when that time comes, I will relax into it; let it take me rather than resist and panic. This is the very definition of stress: resistance to what is. Instead, roll with it…watch it as the silent witness, from the seat of the Soul.
(A soul friend recommended a book while I was away called The Untethered Soul. I highly recommend you find this book and read it Now to further explore this concept).
I realized I came home on the first day of Spring. I love the symbolism of that. It is time for the new seeds I have planted of True Love to blossom in all areas of my life, starting at home. With my family. With my husband. Even with my dog (and potentially dog x 2…I currently have puppy fever and will meet one tomorrow!). And all this is possible because I finally feel love for myself and my own inner child.
That is the basis of my creation, Anchor & Bloom, afterall. Learning how to build and anchor that solid foundation Within in order to expand and bloom inside, at home, then in our community. Finding that beautiful destination right there, right here, right now in your own beautiful heart.
Summary of the Ocean Lesson:
- Just Breathe– when your life depends on it, all that matters is that one breath, that lifeforce, that gorgeous prana. See then how what doesn’t serve falls away and what does rises up. In and Out like the Tide.
- Drop all your Gurus and connect to Mother Nature –she will tell you what to do and remind you how to just be. She will whisper to you who you really are…divine love and light. The rest is just mind chatter tied to limiting beliefs and toxic patterns. Period. The End.
- There was a great yogi who lived his life like he had a sharpened dagger hanging from a string over his head at all times. Whether you are terminally ill or vibrantly healthy the truth is we could take our last breath at any time. Are you showing up in the world with an open heart as if it is your last day and this very day is a special glorious gift?
PS: Ok, Ok I may share this sacred, magical space with a select few ;-) Watch this space for surf/yoga/shamanic retreat details…coming soon!
Peace and blessings, beautiful beings.
Much love,

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